Like most people, I was shocked by how fast the current war in the Ukraine took hold. I had no idea it was coming. Since then it all seems like a bad dream. It's strange to see war happening so close to home, with people who have jobs and lives just like you, and realise that there is a thin veil between our normality and their suffering: there but for the grace of God go I.
Like many others I feel very useless. In particular I feel for the animals left behind during conflicts, and that is why I chose to donate to several animal charities last week and I encourage everyone to donate to charities of their choice to try and alleviate some of the suffering. Unfortunately the damage has already been done to many thousands of people and animals, but I know that whatever you can give will be appreciated
I know that Four Paws, Humane Society International and Harmony Fund are all doing amazing work over there.
I was also surprised by how many people I follow on Instagram turned out to be Ukrainian. In particular I have always admired Oksana Trukhan's jewellery but I hadn't really taken notice of her nationality until I saw some of her recent Instagram posts. At the moment she can't sell her jewellery, but she can still sell digital downloads of her jewellery tutorials. I'm so pleased to see that many people like me are currently buying her tutorials to help support her. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to stop all your creativity and everything you've worked for just because some idiot wants to go on his own little power trip. What a knob.
Anyway, I could go on, but it would probably get sweary because I can feel myself getting angry just typing this.
In other news, I'd like to say a big 'thank you' for the support and orders from my customers since I began selling vitreous enamels in January. It's fascinating to see which colours are already really popular. Some, like Coral and Direct Red, I knew would fly off the shelves. Others, like Deep Glacier Mint, are selling more than I thought (though it's one of my personal favourites anyway).
I'm also very pleased to say that there is another box of enamels winging its way to me from Japan as we speak. This time I'll be supplying some beautiful yellows, golds and purples, plus a few randoms that I liked the look of! All in all there will be 18 new colours for you to choose from.
For now I'd like you to take a closer look at the colours I have in stock now, and show you some really juicy colour combos too.
Several of the Nihon Shippo enamels come in deep, medium and pale versions of the same colour. 'Wisteria', 'Sage' and 'Glacier Mint' are three that I have available in varying hues which are ideal for bringing depth to your work through shading. I will soon add 'Forest Mist' to this list.
As for colour combos, try the following to bring some punch to your work:
Tigerlily, Juicy Olive and Deep Benthic Blue (below):

Celadon, Deep Wisteria and Medium Hot Chocolate (below):

In the meantime, look out for my new colours, available in April (hopefully) if I get my act together!
Kelly x

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