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Spread Joy and Cheer this Christmas 2024 by Supporting Animal Charities

Writer's picture: Kelly ArcherKelly Archer

Okay, I'm a tiny bit late with this post, since it is already 2025! I've had a really great year, namely because I was made redundant at the beginning of November 2024. It has given me the kick up the butt I needed to really think about what I want out of life. There are lots of things coming for BenjaBlue, including a name change. All will be revealed soon.

I've had a really wonderful Christmas this year with my family of both humans and animals. I'm very grateful that everyone is happy and healthy and I'm looking forward to what I hope will be a great year in 2025!

Baubles on a Christmas Tree, inlcuding a peach swan, a clear bauble and a reindeer.


As usual, every year I put a small amount from each sale aside in a 'charity pot'. Every Christmas I count it up and divvy the proceeds out between several animal charities and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This year we raised £150 together!

The recipients this year were as follows, in no particular order:

Maria's Cat House - a lady in Chania, Greece, who does amazing work for the local stray cats. As far as I'm aware they don't have a website, but you can easily search for them on Facebook and Instagram.

Oak Tree Animal Sanctuary - a lovely animal sanctuary in Cumbria where we adopted both Cinderfrost and Lily.

Willows Animal Sanctuary - a sanctuary in Scotland which does great work for farm animals. Famous also for their 'cat hotel' for stray cats which is a great idea.

Replacing Animal Research (formerly FRAME) - fighting against animal testing and awarding bursaries for medical students who want to use research non-animal testing methods.

FourPaws - a charity with a global reach, focusing on many of the larger worldwide issues, e.g.: ending the cat and dog meat trade and fur farming.

Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats - the UK's only goat rescue charity. Goats just crack me up. Plus I learned recently that the Scandanavian tradition of the Yule Goat ('Jolbuck') may be a precursor for our very own tradition of reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh!

CIWF (Compassion in World Farming) - raising welfare standards for farmed animals.

No To Dog Meat Foundation - I first heard about the dog and cat meat trade about 30 years ago and unbelievably it's still going on. Luckily charities such as this are working hard abroad but they need more help to end it forever.

Safe Home Foundation - an Indian charity rescuing dogs from the most horrific vehicle collisions which happen all too frequently in India it seems.

Ernesto's Sanctuary for Cats - an open-air cat sanctuary is Syria who constantly face the threat of bombing. They pretty much help any other animal that needs assistance too.

Help Ad Astra Dogs (formerly Help Pozega Dogs) - rescuing street dogs from the horrific conditions in Romanian kennels. They are on Facebook and Instagram.

WeCare Worldwide - UK vets providing vet care for Sri Lanka's street dogs.

Humane Society International - working on a range of international issues for both domestic and wild animals.

Harmony Fund - a USA-based charity who do a lot of good work in Eastern Europe for animals and try to keep their newsletters a little more upbeat than most!

These guys really need your help, so if you fancy getting a warm fuzzy feeling too, why not donate?

For now I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Christmas period and that you all find happiness, fulfilment and peace in 2025.

Kelly x

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